Fitness at Dachsteinkönig - Familux Resort

Welcome at Dachsteinkönig – Familux Resort , where state-of-the-art fitness training meets breathtaking views, providing you and your family with a unique workout experience.


Fitness at Dachsteinkönig - Familux Resort

At Dachsteinkönig – Familux Resort, fitness enthusiasts and those seeking relaxation will find a true paradise. Our fitness area is equipped with state-of-the-art Technogym equipment, allowing you to conduct your training at the highest level. The fitness room is not only characterized by its excellent equipment but also by the unparalleled view of the Gosaukamm. This inspiring view provides additional motivation and makes your workout a special experience.


Active Studio

In addition to the fitness room, our Active Studio offers a wide range of courses. Here, you can participate in professionally guided classes such as TRX Training, Meditation, Relaxation Yoga, Fascia Training, Pilates, Mobility Training, and Abs-Legs-Buttocks workouts. These courses are ideal for improving physical fitness, strengthening muscles, and ensuring relaxation and balance. Our qualified trainers design the classes to be varied and tailored to your individual needs, ensuring both beginners and advanced participants benefit. When there are no classes taking place and you wish to train independently, such as on our fantastic outdoor terrace, yoga blocks and mats are available for your use. Feel free to ask at the spa reception for these items.

Personal Training

Personal Training

Another highlight of our fitness offering is personal training with our experienced fitness trainer. He is at your disposal with advice and assistance, developing a customized training program tailored to your goals and needs. Whether it’s muscle building, weight reduction, or general fitness improvement, our fitness trainer supports you competently and motivatingly. To schedule an appointment, please contact our spa reception (+43 6136 8888 507 or


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